タンザニア女性の髪 〜Tanzanian Female Hair Style〜







 この疑問を、このブログの執筆のお手伝いをしてくれているタンザニア人の友人に尋ねてみました。どうやら美容院に行ってセットしてもらっているようです。殆どの場合、エクステンションを付けて編み込むそうなので、私が思っているよりもずっと彼女たち自身の髪は短いはずだということもわかりました。セットには3時間で終わることもあれば、10時間にも及ぶこともあり、施術中はスマホを使ってインスタをしたりYou Tubeを見たり自由に過ごせることも教えてもらいました。そうしてできあがったブレイズは1-2か月間楽しむのだそうです。




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Tanzanian Female Hair Style

This time I am telling you about Tanzanian females’ hair style. To be honest, whenever I saw Tanzanian ladies, I was interested in their hair style.

There are common facts between their hair style actually. They have their hair cornrowed and braided. But everyone has a unique, unfamiliar, for the Japanese, and elaborated style. Some have their braided hair into a huge bun, some have theirs simply tied at their back, some have just their hair braided, like my friend. I had been astonished by the wide range of their hair style.

While I observing their braids, questions came up my mind one after another: Braid needs long length of hair, while their braided hair almost reaches their low back. How long their hair is if the braided hair is removed? How long term they keep their hair without cut to reach that length? How on earth they make the hair style? By themselves? Do they set up in the morning like make-up? How much time do they need to make…?

(A back of the Tanzanian friend’s helping us with writing blog articles)

Eventually I talked about those questions with a Tanzanian friend who has helped us with the blog articles. She said that they had hairdressers making their hair up, not by their own! “It’s quite usual to use extensions,” she said. That is, their hair is much shorter than I expected! The installation time depends on how they want, some may need only 3 hours while others 10 hours!” During the service, they usually do Instagram, watching You Tube or whatever,” she said. They can enjoy fantastic hair style over 1-2 months!

 When it comes to trimming after installation, they even take shower. After washing their hair with shampoo as if giving the scalp massage, they rinse it off with water or hot water and wash their braided hair too, then, apply conditioner and rinse again. After 30 mins of shower, they need to drain the hair with towel and care hair with oil or butter. They need another 30 mins for this care. While I was astonished by availabilities of shower enough, difficulties of caring their hair were more! Plus, I’ve got admiration for plenty effort of their work that needs a lot of time!

Giving up such huge care and time of trimming, “some women have their hair dreadlocks or cut down,” she said. Although I hadn’t seen any dreadlock hair, in fact I had seen a few short-cut women. This time I am failed to gather the appropriate photos. I hope to show you some next time.

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp