タンザニアの養蜂場から ー受粉編ー ~Greetings from Apiary in Tanzania -Pollination- ~

Q. 巣箱を農園に設置すると何が起こるでしょうか?
Question. What happens if beehive installed in farmland?
A. 農作物の収穫量が減る / Produce reduced
B. 害獣被害が減る / Attacks by vermin reduced
C. 農作物の収穫量が増える / produce increased

タンザニアの養蜂場から ー受粉編ー





ということで、クイズの答えは、”C. 農作物の収穫量が増える”でした。


Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

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Greetings from Apiary in Tanzania -Pollination

As a series of episodes from our apiary in Tanzania, today I’m going to tell you about pollination research going on in Tanzania.

As you may know a relationship between bees and flowers, bees get nectar from flowers helping flowers with pollination. For instance, there are beehives installed in strawberry greenhouses to get strawberries pollinated. In Japan and some other countries farmers take advantage of the pollination with bees in farmlands and succeed in efficient harvest. On the other hand in Tanzania, they don’t install any hives into farmlands. It seems less vegetables/fruits are harvested and less honey is collected than potential Tanzania itself has. In Tanzania almost 65% of working people are engaged in agriculture and, almost the same size of Japanese land is used for farmlands. Nevertheless, the rate of agriculture accounts for only about 28% of Tanzanian GDP, Gross Domestic Product, while the rate of export value is about 24%.

( Bee found In strawberry greenhouse in Japan. Thanks to their help, I harvested lots of strawberries. )

Now we are working on two types of researches: With beehives installed into farms, how much increase of honey we see, and how much increase of harvest we see. If we succeed in collecting appropriate date, beekeepers and farmers in Tanzania will be willing to join this project, we believe. Through the on-going researches how much increase will we see in the end? I’ll let you know the result later.

 So the answer for the question is “C. produce increased.” Thank you for reading today, bye for now, bye!


Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp