タンザニアの観光 ~ Sightseeing in Tanzania~
タンザニア本土には国立公園が各地に点在していますが、特に北東部にはキリマンジャロ国立公園など複数の公園があります。その中でもセレンゲティ国立公園は、世界遺産にも登録されており、北東部の国立公園の中でもヌーの大移動でひと際目立つ存在です。12月から6月の間に、草原を求めて隣接するケニアのマサイマラ国立保護区へと800 ~1,000㎞もの大移動をします。テレビでしか見たことのない風景、是非見てみたいですね!
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Sightseeing in Tanzania
This time let me tell you about sightseeing in Tanzania. When saying, “I’m going to Tanzania,” I get almost a same reply; What to see in Tanzania? Today I’m going to answer the question.
Tanzania is a famous Tourist hotspot in Africa and the world. Tanzania consists of Tanganyika, Mainland Tanzania, and Zanzibar Archipelago, including several offshore islands. The mainland has Mt. Kilimanjaro, well known in Japan as well, and plenty of national parks, where vast majority of tourists visit for Safari. Zanzibar islands are famous for beautiful beaches and a stone town, registered by UNESCO World Heritage. It is a huge land of Tanzania that brings different climate and culture as well as a wide variety of options that we must see!
While the national parks spread over Mainland Tanzania, especially in the Northwest several parks are densely located. The most famous of all northern circuit national parks is the Serengeti. It’s been registered as World Heritage by UNESCO. During Dec. to Jun. the herd migrates over 800-1,000 km to Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya next to Serengeti National Park to seek pasture. Only having watched such a scenery only on the TV, definitely I’d love to see in real life.
While beautiful beaches in Zanzibar islands attract travelers, it has difference from Tanzanian Mainland in terms of historic, culture and politics. A friend of mine from the mainland also told me her trip in Zanzibar that she had been excited about its unique landscape, customs and food culture. I hope to introduce how characteristic Zanzibar Islands are comparing Tanzania Mainland someday.
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