基礎調査 第3回渡航 その2 ~Third Visitation along Needs Survey No. 2~
基礎調査 第3回渡航 その2
今日は前回の続き、私の中で1番印象に残っている打合せ 後半戦をお伝えします。打合せ後半では、当時の天然資源省大臣 ンドゥンバーロ氏も参加されました。ンワカルクワ氏からンドゥンバーロ氏へ養蜂プロジェクトの概要をお話いただきました。私たちの計画を聞いて、好感を持っていただけたでなく、ああしたらどうか、こうしたらどうか、というアドバイスもいただくことができました。
Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp
もしくはこちらから>>> https://nisshin-honey.co.jp/mail/
Third Visitation along Needs Survey No. 2
Today I’m going to tell you continued contents: one of the most memorable meetings last half. From the last half section, the former Natural Resources and Tourism minister Ndumbaro also joined the meeting. Dr. Mwakalukwa gave explanations on our projects and Dr. Ndumbaro gave us some positive comments as well as some advice.
Being a minister, he was so busy to join our meeting managing an interval between programs. Even time limited, we exchanged business cards. I passed him mine with QR code of this blog and introduced him the site. Dear Dr. Ndumbaro, Hello? We really appreciate it for your kindness managing your busy schedule. Dear Dr. Mwakalukwa, how are you? We thank you, too, for your kindness and dedication.
Now I really would like to see people in Tanzania. We know many people who give us helping hands, including Dr. Ndumbaro and Dr. Ezekiel. We’ll keep stepping forward to launching the business.
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp