試験用農場を決めました ~Farmland for Investigation ~
私たちは、タンザニアにて効率的な養蜂を行う為に2022年10月から調査を開始しました。案件化調査では、実際に養蜂を行い、私たちの考える養蜂がタンザニアで実現可能かどうか、そしてその養蜂を行った際の効果を調査します。この養蜂を伴う調査には数か月間の時間とそして、かなり専門的な知識と技術が必要であるため、タンザニアの名門 ダルエスサラーム大学と協力して調査を実施することになりました。
Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp
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Farmland for Investigation
We have started our survey for efficient beekeeping in Tanzania since Oct. 2022. Along the survey we are going to pilot beekeeping in Tanzania to see feasibility of doing what we are thinking, and the impact that beekeeping gives. This investigation requires several months and highly professional skill and knowledge. We Nisshin Honey and The University of Dar es Salaam(UDSM), one of the top universities in Tanzania, will have worked together to achieve the goal.
Over two visits to Tanzania, we had a lot of time of meeting about where and how to do… and for sure, for what. During the 2nd visit to Tanzania, we visited farmlands that UDSM sugested, and we chose one from them. Thanks to help of our partners from UDSM who devoted themselves to find one and people in the village who kindly lend us the farmland and allow us to do investigation, we’ll do investigation in place over months . I hope I’ll tell you news from this farmland later! Stay tuned!
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp