タンザニアの宗教 ~Religion in Tanzania~

(ザンジバルのストーンタウンにある木の扉 Q. このドアが影響を受けていない国はどこでしょう?
Wooden doors at Stone Town in Zanzibar Question. Which countries did not affect these doors?
A. アラブ諸国 / Arabic countries
B. 南アジア諸国 / South Asian countries
C. ヨーロッパ諸国 / European Countries )



(左:ヒジャブを被った女子学生 / 右イスラム帽を被った男性)

 タンザニアの人口に占める宗教の大まかな比率は次の通り:キリスト教 63%、イスラム教 34%、その他が3%。その他には、仏教やヒンドゥー教、シク教、アニミズム信仰等が含まれています。タンザニア人留学生曰く、タンザニアでは、宗教によって差別されることはないそうです。また、宗教によって職業の制限を受けることはなく、希望する職業に就けるのだそうです。大統領も例外ではなく、宗教ではなく選挙運動中のマニフェストで選ばれているそうです。タンザニアでは、互いの宗教を尊重しているのだと、彼女は教えてくれました。なるほど、タンザニアのレストランにお肉のメニューは、だいたい鶏、ヤギ、牛なのです。豚を目にしたことがありません。私はここから、タンザニアでは互いの宗教を重んじていることを実感しています。豚肉を扱わないことで、90%以上のほとんどの人が、なにも気にせず楽しく食事をすることができているのだと考察しています。


ということで、答えは、”C. ヨーロッパ諸国”でした!)


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Religion in Tanzania

Today I’m going to tell you about religion in Tanzania. I have seen somethings related to religions during my stay in Tanzania, which I rarely find in Japan. For instance, you’ll hear Quran at the break of dawn if you stay in those big towns like Dar es Salaam or Moshi, a foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro. In the town, you’ll see women or girls in hijab and even some men with an Islam hat.

(Left: girls in hijab / Right: a man with an Islam hat)

Tanzanian population consists of roughly 63% of Christians, 34% of Muslims, and 3% of others. 3% of others includes Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, animists and so on. The Tanzanian student studying in Japan has told me that in Tanzania they never discriminate any other religions. Religion never limits occupation. Even the President is chosen by his/her political manifesto. She’s also told me that they are respectful to others. I think I’ve seen that in place. If you go to local restaurants, there are almost always three options for meat of chicken, goat and beef. I have never seen pork. I guess this is how Tanzanians respect each other. Not offering pork leads to happy meal for over 90% of people in Tanzania!

In Zanzibar islands, one of most popular destinations in the world, over 99% of its population is Muslim. They have histories with Arabic countries and most of all you’ll see on the street are Muslims. On the other hand, you’ll find a church in the middle of the town, you may also find a person looking like an Indian, perhaps a Hindu? You’ll see diversity of religions and culture as well. Because in Japan it’s so hard to experience diversity of cultures existing in the same expanse and it’s hard to even find Islamic or Hindu culture in Japan, this is how Tanzania attracts me!

(Wooden doors in Stone Town came originally from Arabic countries and South Asian countries. There are mainly two of shapes, rounded top and rectangle. There is a wide range of design; with elaborate relief, with Quran in Arabic letters, with simply designed. Walking around the town is as if to being in a museum!
So the answer is “C. European Countries” )

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