刺さないみつばち?~Bee without Sting ?~
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Bee without Sting ?
Today I’m going to tell you “stingless bee”, bees without sting, in Tanzania. They inhabit in the tropical area and subtropical areas. I hadn’t heard about stingless bee until the Tanzanian student told. I’m going to tell you about bee itself and its honey as well.
Stingless bee is literally a bee without a sting. There seems to be a variety in the size, from mosquito to fly. In general, they are smaller than sting-bees. There is also difference between the inside beehive boxes. Stingless bees don’t have hexagon cells, where sting-bees raise brood and store nectar and pollen. In stead, they have brown pods.
While Sting-bee builds the hexagon cell with beeswax, stingless bees build pods with propolis. This is why their hive looks brown. Propolis is used by sting-bees for protection of their hive applying it onto the entrance and clacks, and is said to contain highly antibacterial action. Honey made by stingless bees is said it also includes elements of propolis. In comparison to honey by sting-bee’s, stingless bee’s honey tastes sour and tangy. It is caused by propolis. Previously, I tasted some when I didn’t know it included propolis. I was overwhelmed by the taste. If I had known that it included propolis more or less, it’d be more highly evaluated… I wish I had the next chance.
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