案件化調査結果 4 – 1 〜 Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 4 – 1〜
案件化調査結果 4 – 1
冒頭クイズの正解は、”C. 100,000t”。つまりタンザニアには、あと7万トンものはちみつを生産する資源があると考えられています。きっとその資源の中には、私たちが味わったことのない花も含まれているはず。どんなはちみつに出会えるか、とても楽しみですね。
Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp
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Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 4 – 1
Today I am going to tell you about a part of results from the surveys in Tanzania.
It is one of our surveys to see whether our ideal beekeeping is possible to be conducted in Tanzania or not. Then we brought beekeeping tools and did beekeeping to make a check. If bees do not adapt beekeeping tools, they do not build up honeycombs well, which does not enable us to harvest honey. We were afraid that we would need to seek other types of tools if tools brought from Japan would not suit Tanzanian bees. However, Tanzanian bees built up honeycombs and stored honey.
According to the local beekeeper, it had been just a few weeks since units of beekeeping tools were installed. In spit of several months does present beekeeping need for harvest. The fact such short time has astonished the authority officers, while we have made sure its potential. Recently Tanzania produces the annual amount of approximately 30,000 T of honey. How much can we increase the amount of harvest by introducing our beekeeping?
So the answer for the quiz is “C. 100,000 T.” It is said that there is a possibility, in other word, resources, of producing 70,000 T of honey more than nowadays. There can be flowers which we have never tasted in unutilized resources. I am really looking forward to reveal sweet secrets.
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp