案件化調査結果 3-2 〜 Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 3-2〜

Quiz. In Tanzania they massively produce crops that are widely cultivated in Japan as well as cash crop. Which one is not correct?
A. お米 / Rice
B. いちご / Strawberry
C. お茶 / Tea )
案件化調査結果 3-2


ということでクイズの答えは、” B. いちご 。” タンザニアでもお米やお茶を栽培し、それらは海外へ輸出されていきます。タンザニアの水田は見たことがありませんが、タンザニアのお茶の一大産地は、まるで静岡県の茶畑を思わせるような広大なお茶畑が広がっていました。

Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp
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Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 3-2
Today I am telling you about the research result of harvested produce that has been told yet.
Over 12 months we have cooperated with local Universities and dedicated ourselves to the research to see how much installing beehives at farmland increases harvested produce. Sunflower and sesame has been chosen as tested crop. Tanzania is one of the biggest producer of sunflower and sesame in the world. They are actually approximately a 10th biggest producer of sunflower and, 5th of sesame. We have seen lots of farmland for sunflower and sesame in Tanzanian rural areas. As mentioned before, the aim of this research is to obtain data to show local farmers and have them understood that installation of beehives at farmland is effective for the larger amount of harvest. ( Click here for more details ) It is highly likely that the farmers cultivate sunflower or sesame and they probably easily have trust in the data.

To see effect of pollination by bees three different type of site were prepared: Site 1. Open area, without net × without hives, Site 2. With net × without hives, Site 3. With net × with hives. At each site from cultivation to harvest and oil extraction were conducted. Then, each size of extracted oil were compered between three sites.
We were allowed only 12 months for conducting the research. It was absolutely difficult to build a way of research and carry it out. We had face problems: crops got sick that led to delay, and delay led to necessity of irrigation systems, crops ended up not in bloom that led to transplanting. In the end cultivation succeeded oil extraction and comparison. As a result, there has been found significant increase in both extracted oil of sunflower and sesame.

With this result, farmers will probably understand and allow us to install hives. We will be really glad if famers earned more income by installation. It is literally “Killing two birds with one stone.” We would be happy if rural economy in Tanzania is stimulated through honey. Finally let us explain gratitude. We do appreciate cooperation of all of those who cooperated and struggled.
The answer for the quize is “B. Strawberry.” In Tanzania there is large amount of of rice and tea cultivated, some of which are exported overseas. While I have not seen any rice field yet, tea field in Tanzania is huge and reminds me of one in Shizuoka, biggest producer of tea in Japan. Thank you for joining us today, Bye for now, See you!

Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp