案件化調査結果 2-2 〜 Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 2-2 〜

Quiz. One experiment is on-going. What is being checked?
A. みつばちの好む色 / A. Bees’ preferable colour
B. 巣箱内の温度 / B. Temperature in each hive
C. 耐久性 / C. Resistance to degradation )

案件化調査結果 2-2


巣箱の耐久性を向上させる為に以前、製材技術の改善が不可避であることをお伝えしました。(詳しくはこちらから) 他にも耐久性を向上させる方法として、塗料があります。私はそれまで塗料はただ色付けのツールだとしか考えていませんでした。塗料には様々な種類がありますが、今回私たちが巣箱の耐久性向上のために試験をしたのは、日光や風雨から木材が風化するのを防ぐ効果だけでなく、防蟻性などの効果があるという塗料。

(塗装した木材(茶)と未塗装の木材に1000時間照射した結果 未塗装の木材は、照射によって白く変色し、表面に木目が浮き出ている)




ということで、クイズの正解は、”B. 巣箱内の温度”。色の違いによる庫内の温度差を確認しました。他にも、サーモグラフィを用いて表面温度の確認を行いました。 案件化調査に関する結果報告は、今回でおしまいです。これまで購読いただきありがとうございました!


Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

もしくはこちらから>>> https://nisshin-honey.co.jp/mail/

Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey 2-2

Today’s topic is durability of the beehive box.

As mentioned before, to improve durability of the box, it is necessary to produce boxes with well-processed timber. (Click here for more details) In addition, paint has a good effect. I had not known that and would rather recognize paint as material just to add colour. We have chosen certain paint which has effect on weathering by sunlight, wind, rain, e.t.c, and termite control to see effect on durability enhancement of beehive.

(Painted wooden pice(brown) / Non-painted wooden piece after 1000 hours of irradiation 1000 hours of lighting has turned non-painted piece into white and coarse-grained)

A 1000 hours of irradiating light test has exposed a secret of painting. Painted wooden piece has rarely looked deteriorated while non-painted wooden piece has turned white and coarse-grained. Wooden butt end is so fragile to allow fungi and molds to intrude, which causes deterioration in quality. As it has a coat to protect, paint prevents intrusion, furthermore, such degradation of wood.

(Beekeeping in painted box (back・green))

We actually have done beekeeping with painted boxes to see effect on bees and harvested honey. Although it is a mid and long-term research, less termite issues has been detected so far. In conclusion we have actually seen 2 years of extension, precisely from 3-year to 5-year. The surveys over 12 months have revealed that all improvement on hive we had tried possibly brings enhancement that leads to ease of beekeepers for beehive costs.

The answer for the question is “B. temperature in each hive.” We saw difference on temperature between differently painted boxes to see which colour is suitable for Tanzania beekeeping. In addition, we checked the temperature on each surface with a thermography device. This is the end of episodes about Result from SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey. Big thank you for joining us.

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp