タンザニアにおける主要産業 農業 ~Tanzanian Backbone of Economy; Agriculture~

From a sunflower field in Tanzania)


 今回はタンザニアの主要産業である農業についてお伝えします。タンザニアには、農業に適した広大な土地があり、国土面積は日本の約2.5倍にあたる947,300㎢ですが、そのうち37%にあたる355,000㎢が農地として利用されています。この面積は、日本の面積 約378,000㎢にほぼ匹敵します。




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Tanzanian Backbone of Economy; Agriculture

This time let me tell you about a Tanzanian capital industry: agriculture. Tanzania has a large land cover that is arable for agriculture and food production. The acreage of Tanzania is 947,300㎢, 2.5 times as large as Japan, and 37% , roughly 350,500㎢, is utilized for agriculture. This scale of the farmland is almost the same size as entire Japanese acreage, approximately  378,000㎢. 

And, 74 % of Tanzanian population is engaged in agriculture cultivating both food, for themselves, e.g. beans, rice…, and cash crops, for selling, e.g. coffee beans, banana… A wide range of the produce is cultivated with the way of organic farming. Tanzania stands 6th as a country of highly certified organic farmers in the world.

It is also vastly rich in natural forests too; they account for 37.7% of its total land cover. Among them are the miombo woodlands, montane forests and mangroves.  The miombo woodland forests are famous for beekeeping activities. Along our beekeeping project, we will probably visit one of them, and I will share some photos of miombo forests!

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

Beehive boxes in a Tanzanian wild forest)