蜜源調査を行いました ~Conducted Nectar Source Research~

(蜜源調査中に見つけた花 / Flowers found by the nectar source research)




(農園でいただいたコーヒー / Coffee at the Coffee Plantation )


(背の高く熱帯でみかける植物が植えられている様子 / a taller plant looks like one in the tropical area)



Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

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Conducted Nectar Source Research

It is one of our aims of visiting Tanzania to conduct a “Nectar Source Research.” As you may know, it is to look for flowers that gather honey bees, in other words, nectar of the flowers that can be ingredient of honey. Honestly, as I had not known until I joined Nisshin Honey, there are some types of flowers in terms of pollination, and all of flowers is not possible to have its nectar sucked by honey bees; entomophilous flowers, pollinated by insects, anemophilous flowers, by wind or breeze, ornithophilous flowers, by birds. We were watching outside and looked for the Tanzanian native potential flowers on the way by car.

(蜜源調査中に遭遇したやぎ / A goat encounter during a nectar source research)

 As a part of the nectar source research, we visited a coffee plantation on the slope of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Mt. Kilimanjaro is a very well-known mountain in Japan. We Nisshin honey has already dealt coffee honey, which has the nature of very sour taste. I was very excited to imagine a combination of Kilimanjaro coffee and Kilimanjaro-coffee-honey.

(農園で栽培されていたコーヒーの実/ Coffee cherries raised in the plantation)

On arriving the plantation, I realized it was not what I had expected. I had imagined there would have been plenty of coffee trees with sun shining. In fact, the plantation itself was rather a “jungle” with exotic trees. Later, I learned this jungle has been built planting taller trees to create shade for necessity of coffee raising. Around coffee trees there were plenty of taller exotic trees, banana-trees, propagule-trees, tomato-trees.

(コーヒー農園に植えられたバナナの木 / a banana tree planted in the coffee plantation)

From this plantation not only coffee, but also banana honey will be possibly available. That excites me a lot. During this visit in Tanzania, I heard banana honey had very light color, which Japanese people preferred, and now I have interested in banana honey as well as its apiary. I hope someday we can offer you banana honey as well.

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp