タンザニアのみつばち ~Honeybees in Tanzania~
タンザニアには、日本の養蜂に登場するセイヨウミツバチと同様に針を持ったみつばちは、リトレア、スキュテラータ、モンティコーラの3種類が生息しています。これらの3種類は、日本のセイヨウミツバチと同じく、Apis melliferaに属しています。これらのみつばちはの生息地は異なっており、リトレアは沿岸地域、スキュテラータは内陸部、そして、モンティコーラは主にキリマンジャロなど標高の高い山間部に生息しています。
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Honeybees in Tanzania
This time I’m telling you about honeybees in Tanzania. Do you know that “honeybee” includes a variety of species as “frog” holds tree frog, bullfrog, bufo…?
There are mainly 2 types of honeybees working at the Japanese apiaries; native Japanese honey bee and Apis mellifera, called Western honey bee. The later bee is possible to be divided into sub-species; Italian honey bee (Apis mellifera ligustica) and Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) for instance.
Tanzania hosts 3 types of stinging honey bees, which belong to the Apis mellifera species. They are further divided into the sub-species. These 3 sub-species are all closely related, but vary slightly depending on the geographic regions where they are found in Tanzania. The sub-species litorea is found in the coastal regions, scutellata sub-species is found in the inland regions, while the monticola sub-species is found at high altitudes mountainous regions primarily on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Which of the specie will we work with us in our apiaries in Tanzania? I hope I can tell you more details Later!
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp