独自の習慣を守り続けるハヅァ族~Hadzabe maintaining of their own way of life~





(❶❷:ハヅァの地域 / ❸:周辺エリア)


(左:木の枝を曲げて作ったドームに草をかぶせたハヅァの家 右:バオバブ木を利用した寝床)




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Hadzabe maintaining of their own way of life

Today let me tell you about Hadzabe, an ethnic group of people, who keep living way of their own. I have told you by this time that Swahili language is used for common and useful means to communicate in Tanzania between groups of people with multi languages and multi ethnics. I also mentioned last time there were 10% of people in Tanzania who live in internal area and didn’t speak Swahili. Hadzabe is one of them.

(The Hadza)

Hadzabe is an ethnicity group in Tanzania mostly based in Karatu District of Arusha Region. They live around Lake Eyasi and in the neighboring Serengeti Plateau.

(❶❷:Hadza Area / ❸:Neighboring areas)

 This group is one of great interest due to their traditional ways of life that haven’t been changed by globalization. The hadzabe people are a group of hunter gatherer that mostly live off of berries, tubers, honey, baobab and game. The hadzabe people also live in huts constructed from bending tree branches into round structures and cover them with grass. Their community is very isolated from other tribes and allows them to lead their traditional lives.

(Left: Huts of bend trees and branches and covered with grass / Right: A sleeping place within a baobab tree)

Visitors who tour the Serengeti or Manyara national park usually get a chance to meet them. Although I mentioned above, they were isolated from other tribes, recently tourists come to meet and, for example, go hunting together. This is how some Hadzabe people learn Swahili as the second language and more changes may come to them. Their life possibly has changed slightly. I would also love to visit Hadzabe.

(Are these Hadzabe people back from hunting wearing jeans?)

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