タンザニア養蜂 蜂産品 ~Bee Products in Tanzania~

タンザニア養蜂 蜂産品





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Bee Products in Tanzania

As you may know bee products are what come from beekeeping, including beeswax, propolis and off course honey. I don’t know how much familiar beekeeping is in your country, I had not known that they’d been harvested at the same place as honey until I joined in this industry. Even I had neither imagined where and how those products would be harvested.

According to my Tanzanian friend, beekeepers in Tanzania mostly collect and import honey and bees wax. Very few beekeepers are knowledgeable and equipped to harvest other bee products such as royal jelly, propolis, honeybee pollen and honeybee venom. Education for beekeepers on bee products were available for beekeepers…

(Propolis found at the apiary site in Tanzania)


 At the apiary site in Tanzania, I found such a huge lump of propolis that I had never seen in Japan. We hope to survey and research Tanzanian bee products while having our beekeeping project forward.


Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp