基礎調査 第3回渡航 その1 ~Third Visitation along Needs Survey No. 1~
基礎調査 第3回渡航 その1
前回の渡航は2022年の3月ですが、遡ること21年夏、決まったばかりの私の渡航はデルタ株の猛威で無期限の延期に。そろそろ行けるのでは!と兆しが見えた11月、今度はオミクロン株が出現。またもや渡航が延期になり、念願叶っての3月の渡航でした。タンザニアでは、養蜂場に訪問し3種類のみつばちの様子を観察したり、養蜂を主導している政府機関や研究している大学を訪問したりしました。それらの機関への訪問の目的は、今後約1年かけて行う案件化調査に関する内容を説明し、協力を得ることでした。私の中で印象に残っている打合せの1つは、天然資源省の組織のひとつ、森林養蜂庁(Forest and Beekeeping Division、以下FBD) :との打ち合わせです。
Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp
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Third Visitation along Needs Survey No. 1
Today I’m going to tell you about our visitation of last time because our next one is reaching to us and I just thought it is good time to tell you more about our last time. In 2020 we’d been selected for a scheme called Needs Survey supported by JICA: Japanese International Cooperation Agency. The scheme was ended in Jun 2022. And now, we are making a contract on Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA Projects with JICA to conduct further more surveys to launch beekeeping and honey business in Tanzania. We guess it’s within several months that we’ve finally made a contract and, at soonest a few weeks later of contracted, we are scheduled to go.
Our last visit was in March 2022. Back to the summer in 2021, no sooner than my first visit was scheduled, Delta variant postponed it indefinitely. In November, when the situation was well controlled around the world and we said, ” It’s good time?”, unfortunately Omicron variant hit the world. Again, our visit was blown away. And finally it came true in March. In Tanzania we visited apiaries to observe three different types of honey bees and, the authorities leading beekeeping and universities researching it. The aim of visit in those offices was to explain our plan in following years and obtain their cooperation. Personally, one of the most memorable meetings is a meeting with FBD: Forest and Beekeeping Division, which is one of the divisions in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism.
In the first half of our meeting, we explained our beekeeping project in Tanzania to Dr. Mwakalukwa, one of officers in FBD, to ask understanding and cooperation. Attracted by the project, he gave us very favourable comments. After our chief gave greetings and simplified explanation of us at the beginning, one Japanese whose company helps us in Tanzania explained our project in Swahili language. Corresponding to Dr. Mwakalukwa’s questions, not only our chief also our partner enterprise gave explanations. Also, I did a little bit. I’ve felt like we confronted a national office as one team. Probably, this is how I felt it impressive.
The following article is about the last half section. One another notable person came in. Stay tuned! Thanks, bye!
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp