どうしてタンザニアで養蜂事業? ~What brought Nisshin Honey to Tanzania for beekeeping project?~

From a Sunflower field in Tanzania)


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What brought Nisshin Honey to Tanzania for beekeeping project?
As starting SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector, a project chief is writing today’s article.
What brought Nisshin Honey to Tanzania? It is a question I was asked most often, when we started the beekeeping project in Tanzania as Small and Medium-Size Enterprise (SME) Partnership Promotion Survey program by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). I always said, “we see a lot of potentialities for beekeeping business in Tanzania.” Tanzania is located in the southern part of equator and the latitude is almost same as Ethiopia, which is the biggest producer of honey in Africa. It means that the condition for honey production in Tanzania is quite similar to Ethiopia. The production of honey in Ethiopia is 100,000Mt per year. On the other hand, the production of honey in Tanzania is 30,000Mt per year, even though the almost same condition is given…

There are huge nectary nectar sources in Tanzania such as sunflower, sesame and cotton, whose honey could be pure and light color and Japanese people like, but in Tanzania there is only dark and strong taste honey available. I’ve believed we are able to produce a lot of clear and light taste honey in Tanzania, which Japanese prefer, with introducing beekeeping skills in Tanzania. I was convinced instantly by my experience in Myanmar where we brought a production of 600Mt of clear and light honey by introducing beekeeping skills. After we confirmed the country, Tanzania, we thought it’d be one of the best ways to apply for SME Partnership Promotion Survey program by JICA. Hopefully we were chosen and started this project.
Next time, I will introduce the story that I have experienced during three times visit in Tanzania.

Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp