タンザニアの祝日 ~Holidays in Tanzania~
日本の祝日が、仏教や日本古来の神道信仰など日本人の風習に基づいて定められているように、タンザニアもタンザニア人の風習に基づいて定められています。タンザニア人留学生によると、クリスマスのような宗教行事の場合、国全体がお休みになるのだそうです。クリスマスだけでなく、イース―ターやイスラム教徒のラマダン等も祝日となるそうで、年間の祝日は17日あるそうです!因みに日本は、年間16日あるのでほぼ同じ日数になります。由来する宗教が2つになるから、単純に日本の祝日数が2倍になる訳ではなさそうです。祝日の過ごし方としては、親戚と一緒に、若しくは近所の家族同士で一緒にビュッフェ形式でご馳走を食べるのだそうです。多くの家庭でタンザニアの炊き込みご飯 ピラウが炊かれ、街中がスパイスとお米の炊ける香りに包まれるのだそうです。また、BBQを楽しむ家庭もあるそうなので、街中の至る所からいい匂いがしてきそうです。
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Holidays in Tanzania
I’m going to tell you about Tanzanian national holidays today. First, I’d love you to recall memories from the last article telling the ratio of two majorities of religion in Tanzania, over roughly 60% of Christians and around 30% of Muslims. How do they spend Christmas or other religious events ? Is it a holiday only for Christians or for all?
As some of your country’s national holidays are based on your religious culture, so are Tanzanians’! The Tanzanian student studying in Japan has told those religious days are national holidays. Not only Christmas, but Easter and Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are holidays for all of Tanzanians, no matter what they believe. It sums up into 17 days yearly, which is the almost same size as 16 days of Japan’s. So it won’t double Japanese holidays due to twice religious source. They spend holidays sharing lunch with their extended family or neighboring families. And the lunch is based on buffet and many families cook pilau. Some families enjoy BBQ. Mmm… tasty smell must surround all over towns!
There are actually 10 days of religious holidays and they usually put on a new set of clothes on the holidays. This is like a “dress code” to lift their mood up. And after lunch, it’s full of joy for kids. Some play outside house, and the others may go to cinemas, amusement parks or beaches. I bet how excited kids are!
Email us at gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp