タンザニア ローカルフード2 ~Tanzanian Local Food2~

(Q.これは何に使われるでしょう / Question. What is this used for?
A. お湯を沸かす / A. Boiling water
B. お肉を焼く / B. Grilling meat
C. お米を炊く / C. Steaming rice)

タンザニア ローカルフード2


 今回ご紹介するのは、ニャマチョマ(Nyama Choma)。炭火で焼いたお肉です。ホテルのレストランから地方の町中や幹線道路沿いの村まで、割とどこでも食べられるニャマチョマ。地方の街のレストランには、写真のようなグリルが屋外に置かれニャマチョマを焼いている様子を見ることができます。お肉のバリエーションは大体、鶏、ヤギ、牛の3種類。付け合わせにバナナや、ポテト、ウガリ、お米などがあります。炭火でじっくり焼き、余分な脂が落ちたお肉を、塩を振ってシンプルにいただきます。あっさりとしていて、ついつい次の一切れに手が伸びてしまう美味しさです。

(左:ニャマチョマのグリル / 右:焼かれたニャマチョマが2段目以降に並んでいる様子)





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Tanzanian Local Food2

 Today I’m going to tell you about Tanzanian local food as the series. As last time I told about an egg dish of Chipsy Mayai, Omelette with French fries / Chips, this time I’m introducing a meat-dish!

Today’s dish is “Nyama Choma”, char-grilled meat. It’s widely available from at restaurants in hotels to restaurants in rural areas or along the trunk roads. In rural areas you’ll see the grill machine like the photos down below outside restaurants. There is usually a variety of meat of chicken, goat and beef, and as side dish for French Fries / Chips , fried banana, rice or Ugali. Well grilled fatless meat is served with salt. The taste is so simple but you cannot help reaching the next piece.

(Left: Nyama Choma Grill machine / Right: Grilled Nyama Choma on the 2nd and 3rd shelves )

Restaurants along the trunk road serve Nyama Choma in a meal box as well. Long distance bus/truck-drivers seem to stop by and enjoy this meal. We also take advantage of the meal and enjoy it on the way back from our apiary site!

(My Nyama Choma lunch box. Goat meat, French fries /Chips and banana. Lime juice gave the meat fresh flavour and turned the taste into miracle. And you can’t miss fried banana if it’s not available in your country! )

So the answer is “B. Grilling meat.” Next time I’ll tell you about Tanzanian local food again. Thanks for reading and see you later! Bye!

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp