タンザニア ローカルフード3 ~Tanzanian Local Food3~

(Q.真ん中のカラフルな食べ物は何でしょう? / Question. What is the colorful food in middle?
A. にんじん / Carrot
B. 豆 / Beans
C. お米 / Rice)

タンザニア ローカルフード3



タンザニアのお料理はとにかくメガサイズ。このピラウも例外ではありません。私個人としては、スパイシーな香りや味は好きなのですが、オイルが使われていることもあってすぐにお腹がいっぱいになり食べきることができず、チプシー マヤイなど他のメニューを選びがちです…。半分サイズ、1/4サイズなど具体的な数量を示すと、少な目の量で提供されることが最近分かってきたので、また注文してみようかなと思います。


ということで、正解は”C. お米”でした~!次回もタンザニアで広く親しまれている食べ物をご紹介します!お楽しみに~!


Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

Tanzanian Local Food3

 Today I’m going to tell you about Tanzanian local food as a series. This time I’m telling you one of most familiar food in Japan, rice, but its method of cooking is far from what we are used to.

Today’s dish is Pilau, dish of steamed rice with some spices and meat. This is similar to Biryani eaten in South Asia. Steamed with butter-fried onion, cardamom, cinnamon, garlic and some other spices, the taste is totally different from Japanese plain steamed rice. You can choose Pilau as a side dish of Nyama Choma.

Compared to Japanese dishes, the size of Tanzanians are huge for me in general, and Pilau is not an exception. Besides, with oil-cooked rice I get full quickly and can’t finish it all. So I tend to choose the another dish, i.g. Chipsy Mayai. Recently I’ve learned that I actually get the reduced size of dish if adding “half size” or “quarter size” at the time of orders. Maybe next time I’ll say ” half size of Pilau.”

(My First Pilau in Tanzania : I’ve not ordered another plate of Pilau since the size overwhelmed me a lot.)

So the answer is “C. Rice!” I’ll tell you widely available Tanzanian food next time as well. Thanks for reading, and bye for now, see you later!

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp