タンザニアの養蜂場から ー巣箱編ー ~Greetings from Apiary in Tanzania -Beehive- ~

Question. Approximately how large is this hive comparison to Japanese?
A. 約1/4倍 / 1. Almost quarter
B. ほぼ同じ / B. Almost same
C. 約4倍 / C. Almost 4 times)

タンザニアの養蜂場から ー巣箱編ー



(左:タンザニアで一般的に使われている巣箱 / 右:私たちが持ち込んだ巣箱)



ということで、冒頭クイズの答えは、”C.約4倍” でした。次回もまた、タンザニア養蜂に関してお話します。お楽しみに~!


Email: gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp

もしくはこちらから>>> https://nisshin-honey.co.jp/mail/

Greetings from Apiary in Tanzania -Beehive-

This time I’m also telling you around our apiary site in Tanzania. Today’s topic is beehive.

They use almost 4 times as large beehive box as in Japan or other mass-producer countries of honey, at volume ratio. You may imagine the bigger box you’d use, the more honey you’d get. Unfortunately it’s not. I beg you’d imagine a mansion or a palace where many maids and servants would be employed to keep the huge site tidy. It’s same for bees. They can’t maintain a huge house with small population neither stock honey quickly. This is one of reasons of low productivity of honey in Tanzania. Besides, it is thought that the size gives impact on honey quality as well. It takes several months until adequate quantity of honey is stored for harvest, and the more time goes by, the darker the stocked honey gets. (See how dark Tanzanian honey is)

(Left: Prevailing box in Tanzania / Right: Box brought from Japan )

In our project we are also seeing what difference is brought about when our ideal modern beekeeping with beehives we brought in Tanzania is implemented. We are seeing it takes only a few weeks to stock adequate quantity of honey, and it is actually possible to harvest lighter and clear color of honey in Tanzania. Although there are still some work on our way, we are working on them dreaming of one day we supply tasty honey to the consumers around the world!

So the answer for the beginning quiz is “C. almost 4 times” Next time I’m also telling you from our apiary. Thank you for reading today, until next time, bye!

Email us at  gifutoshop@nisshin-honey.co.jp